Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Weekend

Mom and Dad have been here this weekend and will stay all week. We're having great fun! We started the weekend with killing roosters! Turns out that every chick we got this Spring was a rooster! Joe was teaching Mitchell how to shoot them.
In the meantime the rest of us were harvesting and canning all weekend. We processed corn on the cob, green beans and tomatoes. I made huckleberry/cherry/raspberry jam yesterday.
Janie volunteered during the "Fun Run" on Saturday for the annual Cove Cherry Festival. We all went down to the parade and then over to the Ascension School Grounds for the festival. There were bagpipers and a kids train ride, flavored lemonade and spinning wheel demonstrations. Janie ran around with her friends and met up with us around lunch time.
Mom and I chased chickens, cleaned the hen house and bought a laundry basket and more clothes pins for the wash we've been putting on the line. We dreamed up all kinds of plans for the day when we own lots of acreage of our own. We've pet horses and cats and collected eggs. AND we discovered that the skunks are back! Sigh.
We went to church on Sunday and my parents were able to visit with the friends that they've met here. We made plans to have dinner with a family at the end of the week before my parents head back for home.
Mitchell's best friend, Clancy, was here all day... Janie was babysitting while his parents are working out of town... and Janie's best friend, Kimi, was here for a few hours this afternoon.
Tonight we went for a walk only to have the cutest puppy follow us home. We're pretty sure he belonged to our Mennonite neighbors so we packed him up in the bed of the truck with the kids and tried to run him home. He was so cute and wanted to come home with us. Everyone wanted to keep him and Mitchell cried when the dog didn't wander his way back to us despite the fact that none of the Monnonite neighbors were home. (we joked that they'd probably been raptured) :)
It's getting late and time to put the tired kiddos to bed...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

So, I decided to start this blog to talk about all of the great things we talk about as girlfriends sitting down over a cup of coffee. We talk about home, our health, kids and their school, money and family. We solve the worlds problems with one tiny little cup... or a pot or two! Suggest a topic or add to one. Let's get started!

Save Me Money! :)

Alright. Lately I've been looking for great ways to save money on anything! One way I do that is by hanging my clothes to dry instead of using the electric dryer. My friend, Elaine, said she saves $30/month doing that... my Mom saves about $10/month. Elaine has 10 people in her family and my Mom just has her and Dad. Post your best money saving tip!
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