Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I'm ready for the snow.  Snow means it should warm up a little!  This morning when Joe left for work it was -3!  Janie went out to defrost the chickens' water and twenty minutes later it was frozen again.  I worked in the hen house this morning spreading a new bail of straw and defrosting the water more thoroughly.  Some of the hens even had frost on their feathers.  I felt so bad for them that i locked them all back in their house to dig through the fresh straw--a favorite pasttime of theirs--and, hopefully, stay warmer.  Back in my toasty house I'm thinking of something cozy to make for dinner and maybe some gingerbread men.  I'll add the new recipes to the blog today.  We're praying for Joe who has to work outside all day.  I'll have to have a hot cup of tea waiting for him when he gets home.  Hoping you stay warm wherever you are today!


  1. Baby, it's cold outside! Poor Joe. I feel so sorry for anyone who has to work out in this. Thankful I get to be inside all day. Weekend plans got cancelled. Michael's got drill. Maybe we could get together?

  2. Hope it warms up soon, we are leaving for the States in two days. we will be in EO in January, I will give you a call, hope to chat with you. BTW, Thanksgiving sounded wonderful, I could smell the aroma from here.
    Blessing on you all


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